Volcano number: | 355050 |
Region: | South America |
Country: | Chile-Bolivia |
Geodetic measurements? | Yes |
Deformation observation? | No |
Measurement method(s): | InSAR |
Duration of observation: | 1992-2002 |
Inferred cause of deformation: | [] |
Characteristics of deformation: |
No deformation was detected at the Olca-Paruma volcanic complex during a regional InSAR survey of Central Andean Volcanoes (Pritchard & Simons, 2004). |
References: | 'Pritchard, M. E., and M. Simons (2004), An InSAR-based survey of volcanic deformation in the central Andes, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 5, Q02002, doi:10.1029/2003GC000610. \n' |
Location: | -68.413, -20.939 |